NCCDP now offers health care professionals who have received dementia or Alzheimer's certification from a national organization and or University the opportunity to grandfather your application and does not require that you complete the NCCDP Alzheimer's disease and Dementia Care Seminar. Click here to download the CDP Grandfather Option Application or go to the online application form.
The CDP online application form requires you to upload multiple documents in PDF, WORD, or JPG file format. Please have available the following documents before accessing the online CDP application form.
- Copy of your college transcripts or degree. Except for nurses, please provide from the state registry the information showing your license or certification is in good standing.
- A copy of your license or certification such as ADC, LNHA, etc. Except for nurses, please provide off the state registry the information showing your license is in good standing.
- A letter on company letterhead from your supervisor stating you are employed. Your work experience can include more than one company.
- Resume.
- Copy of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease certification you received from a national or international organization or university. You do not need to be in good standing as long as the expired certification is not more than 4 years.