Companies Awarded Commendation.

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MCNC Certified Facilities


The MCNC Memory Care Neighborhood Commendation Certification indicates that the facility in question has complied with the criteria set by the National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners for such Certification.  It does not indicate that the facility has or will meet the criteria for compliance with governmental requirements.

The Memory Care Neighborhood Commendation Certification indicates that the facility in question has complied with the criteria set by the National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners for such Certification.  The certification is based on information provided by the facility and a one time visit by NCCDP.  At most, the Certification indicates that the facility appeared to be in compliance with NCCDP’s criteria for Memory Care Neighborhood Commendation  Certification on the date of the inspection.  There is a renewal process but no site inspection occurs unless the renewal application suggests a need for an onsite inspection.  Accordingly, NCCDP disclaims all liability for and knowledge of the compliance of the facility with NCCDP requirements after the date of such visit by NCCDP to the facility