Sandra, I was able to get the information about Educational week. I will continue to run it in this e-newsletter.


Initiating 'The Conversation' About End-of-Life Care

Mike, a nurse and the CEO of a large healthcare institution, shared with me recently that he felt paralyzed at the thought of initiating a conversation with his 86-year-old father about his end-of-life wishes. His father had just suffered a stroke, but was still able to communicate and sign documents, so Mike knew there was an urgent need to take action; however, he felt ill equipped to talk with his father about completing an advance directive and discussing how he would want to be treated if he could not speak on his own behalf.


Introducing the Professional Patient Advocate Institute
Last week, Dorland Health rolled out the Professional Patient Advocate Institute (PPAI), a membership organization for individual professionals, organizations, employer groups, consumers and others who have discovered the emerging practice of patient advocacy. Today, due to the complex nature of today's healthcare system, consumers are in search of objective assistance when they find themselves thrust into the healthcare system due to a catastrophic or chronic illness. Many find themselves lost…

Coming Home for the Holidays to Aging Parents
During the holiday season, many Americans will visit their aging parents, often for the first time in many months, or even for the first time since the last holiday season. Even three months can make a big difference in a senior's mental state and physical abilities. Not surprisingly, aging parents are often unwilling to talk about their condition with adult children and may not be self-aware of gradual changes in their condition. So, the holidays offer a good opportunity to check on elderly parents and evaluate whether living independently is still their best option.

Is There a Long-Term Care Funding Crisis?
The numbers are staggering. And what they portend for the long-term care industry–and the patients using its services–is a potentially calamitous situation. In 2011, every day will bring 10,000 baby boomers into the federal folds of Medicare and Social Security. But how will we continue to pay for it?

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