Continuing Education Credits for NCCDP Members


You will need every two years 10 CEU's or CE's to renew your CDP certification. We accept any healthcare-related topic from any source such as; NCCDP Online Learning powered by NetCE, Alzheimer's Care Guide Magazine, Webinars, Magazine CEU's, Staff In-services, Conferences, Seminars, College Classes, E-learning, etc. You will need a certificate of attendance for that seminar/course. The certificate must have the course/seminar name, your name, date of the seminar, location, time and instructor name, and how many CE or CEU's it is worth. You will not be asked to submit the certificate of attendance when you renew your CDP certification unless you are audited. You are asked to save the certificate of attendance for two years from the date of your CDP renewal submission in case you are audited.

We recommend using NCCDP Online Learning powered by NetCE - our preferred partner for Continuing Education Credits. Go to NetCE to obtain your CEUs.


We also make the following options available to you as well.